Humble Beginnings
The tale begins with company founder John Ewers, a young boy patiently growing produce in a true old-fashioned style. At 15, John joined his parents, growing in the productive soils of nearby Patons Road – manually watering crops by hand without the luxury of modern irrigation. Working alongside his parents John developed an ability to combine family life with work life, forging the enduring roots of the JS Ewers culture that remains alive today.
In 1972, the Ewers purchased an orchard property at Blackbyre Road in Appleby, which they rapidly began to transform from 20 acres of fruit production to outdoor vegetable growing. Early crops included cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, carrots, parsnips, and turnips.
1983 saw the introduction of indoor growing in plastic houses, adding the ability to warm the soils and begin producing wonderful, flavoursome tomatoes – a product the company is now highly regarded for.